Admission Procedure

Academic Year- April to March

A child seeking admission to the school must first get his/her name registered. Registration is no surety for admission. Students are normally registered for admission from the month of December for the upcoming academic session.


Step 1: Admission Registration

A). Collect the registration form from the SCHOOL ADMISSIONS OFFICE and submit after completing it.

B). You can fill and submit the registration form ONLINE which is available on our website.


Pre-Nursery 3+ years as on 1st April of the year the admission is sought in.
Nursery 4+ years as on 1st April of the year the admission is sought in.
K.G. 5+ years as on 1st April of the year the admission is sought in.
Step 2: School Visit & Interaction with the Principal

Parents / Guardians are invited to visit the school campus to understand the culture and ethos of the Institution. An interaction session with the Principal is MANDATORY so that parents can fulfill their queries and collect any information they require.

Step 3: Entrance Test

The children who have registered will have to appear for an interaction / written entrance test.

A). Pre-Nursery, Nursery & KG – Admission is based on interaction

B). I to IX,XI – Admission is based on entrance test

Step 4: Admission Documentation

After clearing the entrance test Admission Form must be completed and duly signed by both Parents. It contains information which will assist you in your relationship with the School. The following documents need to be submitted along with the Admission Form

1. Copy of the Birth Certificate (issued by municipal corporation)

2. Copy of Report Card of previous year (only needed for admission to class 1 onwards).

3. Original TC from the previous school (for students seeking admission from class 2 onwards)

4. Proof of residence

5. Photographs of the student

6. family photograph (with parents)

7. Original Certificates may be produced at the time of admission for verification

8. Aadhaar Card photocopy of both parents and the student..

Step 5: Payment of Fees

Once the above steps are satisfactorily completed parents will receive an admission offer and may pay the applicable fees to confirm admission.

After the completion of the formalities of admission, the new parent is given a comprehensive orientation about school norms, academics, assessments, expectations, Parent teacher communication, Fee Payment policy etc which enables parents to partner with school in the successful overall development of the child.