Admission Procedure

B.A. I, B.Com, I & B.Sc. I Courses


Admission to Bachelor of Arts, Science & Commerce i.e. B.A.I, B.Sc.I & B.Com.-I is open through an interview with the Principal.

1. The application form and the prospectus can be purchased from the office counter and then duly filled form must be submitted in office before fixed date.

2. A recent passport size (6 cm x 5cm.) front pose of coloured photograph must be pasted on admission form & 6 more photos must be attached to the admission form.

3. Before the admission the original Transfer Certificate (T.C.) must be submitted.

4. Attested copies of Mark Sheet and Original Character Certificate must be submitted.

5. The self attested copies of Mark Sheet of High school & Inter, High school Certificate, Character certificate and original Transfer Certificate (T.C.) would not be returned in any case.

6. The receipt issued to the student from the office at the time of admission must be preserved, and may be demanded at any time for verification

7. The fees once paid would not be returned in any case nor it will be transferred to any other degree college.

8. Students applying for admission, must enquire about the college fees from the Admission Incharge/Office.

9. In case the Identity card is lost, the duplicate would be issued only on applying for the same along with an application to this effect with a fee of Rs. 20/-. All the students are required to keep always their identity cards with them in the campus. They have to produce the same on demand.

10. All the students are required to attend 75% lectures in order to entitle them for appearing in the University examination. Those who fail to put up the required attendance may be detained and may not be allowed to appear in the examination.

11. The names of all such students who fail to attend the college for a continuous period of one month, without prior permission or supportive Medical Certificate in case of sickness shall be struck off from the rolls of the College (ie. from the Attendance Register etc.), unless their absence from the college is condoned.

12. Such students whose names are struck off, may be allowed to be re-admitted only after payment of re-admission charges.

B.Sc. Admission Procedure


A student of B. Sc. Ist year may apply for the admission with the following subject combination which are as following.

  • A) ZBC Group (Zoology, Botany & Chemistry)

1. The application form and the prospectus can be purchased from the office counter and then duly filled form must be submitted in office before fixed date.

2. A recent passport size (6 cm x 5cm.) front pose of coloured photograph must be pasted on admission form & 6 more photos must be attached to the admission form.

3. Before the admission the original Transfer Certificate (T.C.) must be submitted.

4. Attested copies of Mark Sheet and Original Character Certificate must be submitted.

5. The self attested copies of Mark Sheet of High school & Inter, High school Certificate, Character certificate and original Transfer Certificate (T.C.) would not be returned in any case.

6. The receipt issued to the student from the office at the time of admission must be preserved, and may be demanded at any time for verification

7. The fees once paid would not be returned in any case nor it will be transferred to any other degree college.

8. Students applying for admission, must enquire about the college fees from the Admission Incharge/Office.

9. In case the Identity card is lost, the duplicate would be issued only on applying for the same along with an application to this effect with a fee of Rs. 20/-. All the students are required to keep always their identity cards with them in the campus. They have to produce the same on demand.

10. All the students are required to attend 75% lectures in order to entitle them for appearing in the University examination. Those who fail to put up the required attendance may be detained and may not be allowed to appear in the examination.

11. The names of all such students who fail to attend the college for a continuous period of one month, without prior permission or supportive Medical Certificate in case of sickness shall be struck off from the rolls of the College (ie. from the Attendance Register etc.), unless their absence from the college is condoned.

12. Such students whose names are struck off, may be allowed to be re-admitted only after payment of re-admission charges.